Has your life been touched by abortion?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Healing From Abortion: What are the REAL ABORTION ISSUES?

Healing From Abortion: What are the REAL ABORTION ISSUES?

Who needs to heal from abortion?  

The woman who aborted her child or children?

The man who had no control over the decision that was made to abort his child or children?

I believe both need to heal...because I still miss my Mother's Day.

I Still Miss My Mother's Day by Karla With a K 
I'm pro life now that I know the pain of the other.
Why give me a choice, when I don't have a voice
and don't know the meaning of being a mother?
I still miss my Mother's Day. 

Give me a thoughtful man
who will accept his responsibility
who cares enough to plan;
and not just lay down with me. 

I pray for a man who will honor
and marry me,
not fearfully resign and passively
support flushing our baby,
'cause I still miss my Mother's Day.

Many of us wanted to be mothers,
the ones who carried the seed
buried deep within,
but we gave in
To the needs of others
was it a whim?

To protect the living--
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers,
fathers and mothers to be, society?

We maintain appearances, 
don't go past three;
the last month to mask the shame
deny the blame,
erase the name
of the child that was meant to be.
I still miss my Mother's Day.

Not knowing how to challenge
the abuse to my soul,
so many, many years ago...
or yesterday,
Still needing to be made whole.

Decades from abortion, seem like one minute ago.

Back then, how would I know
that I'd feel ever empty
where life used to be...
ever seeking to fill the hole
that love did not see.

Today, at 50, I'm...
Asking, Seeking, Knocking
on the door of forgiveness
Accepting the key that frees me
but still I miss my Mother's Day.

Being robbed of my future and my history,
robbed of the truth of our plight,
later learning that extermination was the plan
I had to fight!

Yes, I played right into
the genocidal "Planned Parenthood";
for my good.

Today, I have a voice
and can make an informed choice.
Abortion ain't no good
so be careful in the Planned Parent 'hood,
' cause I still miss my Mother's Day.

poem inspired by God, written by Karla With a K, 2008

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