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Friday, May 4, 2012

Keeping Hope Alive...

Okay, it's Friday night and I got in at 11PM from doing a job training all day, then going to a Real Estate seminar by Dean Graciosi.  I've been to many of them, so I really just went to listen.

Sometimes it's good to go to an environment where you're going to hear some good, hopeful information about how to change your financial situation....especially when you're in Petersburg, VA.

I couldn't invest, but I wanted to learn what's going on these days in the R. E. investment world.  I bought a Real Estate Correspondence course back in 2007 when I was living in Hollywood, CA.

I made no return on my investment, unless you count what I learned...but I was counting on something more tangible than just information and wisdom, although, I suppose that's valuable, too!

I wanted to buy some rental property, flip or at least "bird dog" for someone, from what I learned.  I was also looking to earn some cash for my time, financial investment and energy that I put out.  Didn't happen.  Anyway, that was then, this is NOW!  I'm in South Chesterfield, VA, aka, Ettrick, and I'm still looking for an opportunity to turn my financial situation around.  

I met a lady who bought the program from Dean and since she's not computer savvy, she wants me to help her navigate the programs she bought. 

I'm thrilled that she needs help from me, because now I can learn and participate in the program she bought into:  investing in Real Estate, Tax Lien Certificates and Real Estate Notes.  She's a very nice lady and I look forward to working with her.  

If you've ever been to those R. E. seminars where they sell you the idea that you can get rich if you know how the rich folk do it, you know how shamelessly expensive the programs can be.  This one was no different, depending on your situation, so I hope and pray that I can help my new friend get ROI.

I bought into these types of programs before:  Donald Trump, Loral Langemeier, Nu Way Real Estate, trying to get an education and make money outside of the conventional "post grad" system.  I'm still not sure if it works, because I haven't actually gotten a property under contract.  Yet.

I expect to see the process all the way through this time--we have 90 days-- even though I don't have a dog in the race, so to speak.  I'm committed to helping my friend utilize the program correctly and within the time constraints so she'll get a significant return on her investment.   We'll start on Monday.  

In the meantime, my last day of training with Vector Marketing is tomorrow from 9AM-4PM.  I need to make appointments with 20 people to show them the product I'm selling, but they need to married, between 30 and 60 years old and homeowners.  I don't know many people here, so I'm at a serious disadvantage.  My "boss" says he's going to show me how to do "virtual demos" so I can show do presentations to my friends who live out of town.  

In the meantime, I'll still try to make appointments with some people here.  I need to practice the presentation to build my confidence, plus I get paid per appointment whether they buy or not.  I just need some people who want to help a sistah out!  Wish me luck.

I'll keep you posted.

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