Has your life been touched by abortion?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Middle Aged and Overcoming BAD Decisions

Being over fifty, single, no kids, unemployed, back at home in a one horse town, living in the house I grew up in because I came home from Hollywood, CA after 16 years, to help with my aging mother and sister who just completed getting a double hip replacement, is one hell of a ghastly combination!

Even if the economy weren't so bad, would my circumstances be much better, considering the BAD choices I made in my life?

I thought I was doing the right things, but lo and behold, here I am in the middle of my life and I'm spending most of my time looking for work in what seems like a deep dark hole on the Internet.

I'm keeping my LDR (long distance relationship) alive with bi-monthly, 5 hour trips on the Megabus and I think I'm suffering from the same ailment that caused my sister to need a double hip replacement.  I don't know for sure, because I don't have health insurance that would enable me to go to a doctor who could properly diagnose me.

What do you do when you have been holding on as long as you can, looking for jobs with benefits, but your considered "too old" for lots of positions.  

Do I go back to college and get another degree?  Getting a doctorate or MBA from one of those online, for profit universities doesn't seem to get the same respect as a 20th century degree got, when you walked and lugged books to class all day.  WTF?

The state of the economy is wreaking havoc on many people's personal lives, especially in the area of HEALTHCARE!   You need healthcare when you're over fifty!

I didn't realize how serious that was until I arrived here!  Getting older is the pits, unless you plan for it carefully...from your twenties.

Take it from me, because I really messed up by not thinking some things all the way through!

In the upcoming blogs, I'll share some painful, BAD decisions I've made in my life so you can learn from them.  Lord knows, I'm not bragging, I just want to help someone else as I go through my pain.

I don't have any kids to pass anything along to (one of my biggest regrets), so I may as well share with the world.  After all, what good is a life filled with lessons, without someone to share those valuable lessons with?

I truly hope that I can help someone else NOT make some of the same mistakes I made.

So come back to get a lesson you can live by, from someone who believed some of the TRUMPED up lies and myths of the world....and didn't know my value, my worth or my power as a woman.

BTW, I will be telling you the painful truth because, at this point in my life, I don't have a lot to lose.

Until next time,
I'm Trumped Up!

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